Thursday, August 03, 2006


So...I just thought it was important for you (#1) to know what's going on in my life...

I'm goin' CRAAAAZY! I want my home renovation phase to be over! Stop the madness. It's really been stressful and is leading to the ultimate demise of my life! Grr.... I need a vacation, and I only have 2 more years to make it to Boston! So, I'm breaking out the handy lil calendar. lol. Yeah, we gotta make it happen soon. I mean you could have kids soon, get married and not have time for me to visit the big B! Anything's possible...

Beyond that, what else goes on down here? Well, I really need to go back to school, but I want to move, and I also need to buy a new car in 9 months. I have a lot of weighing my options work to do. Grrr...

The exLOML has been all in my shit lately. He gave me the 4 words I shudder when I hear..."WE NEED TO TALK". What is with this needing to talk business? Our talk was of how selfish I am...the nerve of this MFer. I'm SO over it, it's not even a convo anymore. So, moving along...

The new dude...well, how do I say this...ummmmm...UNEVENTFUL. I REALLY don't see this one lasting. Why you my ask...UNEVENTFUL. I don't even have anything to say about him. I'm just using this space to tell you that he's uneventful b/c that is one thing I CAN say about him. Hee hee hee! But for real, he's so uneventful. We don't really talk, and when we do I'm so unconnected from the convo, it's pretty bad. What more can I say? (yet another jigga quote).

Dear God, make me a bird, so I can fly far away from this madness!!!!

Okay, so that's a recap of the life and times of trinity9...(damn, i love Sean Carter)!


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